Saturday, April 23, 2016

Church #120 - St. Margaret, East Providence

This is a very active and vibrant parish in Rumford, with a school and lots of ministries and activities. I came here for the morning Mass on Friday; there were plenty of people there, almost all of whom were sitting right up toward the front, contradicting the done-to-death "Catholics always sit in the back" joke that I grew sick of years ago. The congregation received Communion in both species. The priest finished the Mass with a beautiful little Marian chant as the recessional.

The interior of the church is on the small side, and dominated by the color blue. It forms a sort of T shape, with tons of chairs on either side of the altar. I wish my pictures had come out better, but I was too shy to ask them to turn the lights back on after Mass. There's a huge, deeply blue round window above the crucifix, and painted Stations of the Cross. The music area is off to the right, and includes a harp (!), which I will be sorely tempted to try if I'm ever in here by myself.

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