Monday, April 18, 2016

April Pilgrimage Day 3 - Sunday - Woonsocket

Another incredibly sunny (actually, I could have used a little less sunniness) morning. I'm trying to do the days with more churches on the weekends, so that more of them will be open.

Parked my car at St. Joseph at around 7:30 in the morning.

Then on foot - All Saints

St. Charles Borromeo (old picture)

St. Michael Ukrainian - sorry about my fingers, I'm an idiot.

9am Mass at St. Stanislaus

Sacred Heart - still haven't been here for Mass

Holy Family (old picture)

St. Anthony

Precious Blood

Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs

St. Elias. It's so small! Excited to eventually see what it looks like on the inside.

St. Agatha. Another old picture - not a great day for me in that department. Finally, back to my car at St. Joseph.

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