Sunday, April 24, 2016

April Pilgrimage Day 9 - Sunday - North Providence/Pawtucket/Central Falls

Last day!

St. Anthony, North Providence - I had to drive the first leg because I had to do something at my church, and I wanted to make it to the 9am Mass at St. Edward. Don't feel that bad because I walked this last year.

Presentation, North Providence

Parked at Maria Goretti, Pawtucket

Then on foot - St. Edward

St. Anthony

St. John the Baptist

St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception

Holy Family

St. John Paul II

St. Cecilia

Immaculate Heart

St. Joseph, Central Falls

Holy Spirit, Central Falls. Which, by the way, was standing room only for a Spanish Mass, and if you've been in here you know that's really saying something. My Mom gave me a ride from here back to my car.

It was a wonderful week, and I'm definitely going to do it again next year.

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