Saturday, April 16, 2016

April Walking Pilgrimage

Hi everyone! It's finally my April vacation, and like last year, I'm going to spend a few hours each day trying to get to as many churches as I can, on foot if possible. My goal this year is 82 churches, and I'm planning on about 80 miles of walking.

I have at least four prayer intentions for each church. This includes each of my students, plus a ton of family and friends that I've reached out to. I am praying a divine mercy chaplet for each church as I walk, so each intention gets a decade of that. Unfortunately, I can't physically get into a lot of the churches, especially during the week, so praying outside of them is the best I can do.

If anyone reading this has prayer intentions, please feel free to put them in the comments, and I'll be happy to offer them up.

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