Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April Pilgrimage Day 6 - Wednesday - Cranston

This was my longest day last year, since I walked a full 13 mile loop. This year I had a friend give me a ride from St. Paul's which cut off half of that distance. Tomorrow is my day off - everything has been absolutely wonderful so far.

After Mass in Foster, drove to Holy Apostles - it's way too far from everything to be walkable.

Parked at Immaculate Conception

Then on foot - across Garden City to St. Mark

St. Matthew

St. Paul

My friend then drove me to St. Mary

..... and St. George Maronite. Then back to my car at Immaculate Conception.

St. George had just had a Mass, with a relic to St. Sharbel (look him up) that we were able to venerate. Awesome timing on our part.

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