Monday, April 18, 2016

Church #116 - St. Aidan, Cumberland

This was my last Cumberland church. I picked it for today so that I could make it back home quickly and start my walking for the day as early as possible. Fr. Timothy Reilly, the Diocese's chancellor, said the Mass since the pastor is on vacation. He's a very personable priest, and he gave a concise but wonderful homily.

This church is on the small side, and forms a T shape. Its stained glass windows (and the saints on them) show how new it is. The tabernacle and a statue of Our Lady stand on either side of the altar, with a big resurrected Christ above it. The church is beautifully and warmly lit, especially in the morning with the light coming in through the stained glass behind the altar. The altar area is covered with flowers for the season.

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