Friday, April 29, 2016

Church #122 - Jesus Saviour, Newport

I drove here for Mass last Saturday morning. There were a good number of people in attendance, and an unusual number of them stayed after Mass to pray more.

The church has a straightforward layout, with white walls and columns. The standout feature of the interior is a huge, very cool mural behind the altar. The Stations of the Cross are large reliefs. I also enjoyed a rather angry-looking St. Joseph statue to one side of the altar area.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

April Pilgrimage Day 9 - Sunday - North Providence/Pawtucket/Central Falls

Last day!

St. Anthony, North Providence - I had to drive the first leg because I had to do something at my church, and I wanted to make it to the 9am Mass at St. Edward. Don't feel that bad because I walked this last year.

Presentation, North Providence

Parked at Maria Goretti, Pawtucket

Then on foot - St. Edward

St. Anthony

St. John the Baptist

St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception

Holy Family

St. John Paul II

St. Cecilia

Immaculate Heart

St. Joseph, Central Falls

Holy Spirit, Central Falls. Which, by the way, was standing room only for a Spanish Mass, and if you've been in here you know that's really saying something. My Mom gave me a ride from here back to my car.

It was a wonderful week, and I'm definitely going to do it again next year.

Church #121 - St. Edward, Pawtucket

I stopped for Mass here this morning on the last day of my April church walks. This church shares a parish with St. Mary in Pawtucket, which I haven't been to yet either. The churches have three weekend Masses between them and no daily Mass.

The parish's deacon read the Gospel and preached the sermon at Mass. The church has a large white stone interior in a typical layout, and wonderful stained glass. While taking pictures afterward I got startled by a rather creepy-in-the-dark John Paul II up near the altar area.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

April Pilgrimage Day 8 - Saturday - Providence up into Pawtucket

Finally, a cloudy day! Much better for walking.

Walking from my apartment - St. Edward, Providence. The closest church to where I live besides St. Augustine.

St. Ann. It was unlocked, and I got treated to an awesome organ practice session.

St. Agnes

St. Raymond

Holy Name. I believe there was a baptism happening - please pray for the little one and his/her family.

St. Sebastian

A long walk over the river into East Providence - St. Margaret

My Mom picked me up at St. Margaret and drove me to St. Teresa in Pawtucket, then home.

Church #120 - St. Margaret, East Providence

This is a very active and vibrant parish in Rumford, with a school and lots of ministries and activities. I came here for the morning Mass on Friday; there were plenty of people there, almost all of whom were sitting right up toward the front, contradicting the done-to-death "Catholics always sit in the back" joke that I grew sick of years ago. The congregation received Communion in both species. The priest finished the Mass with a beautiful little Marian chant as the recessional.

The interior of the church is on the small side, and dominated by the color blue. It forms a sort of T shape, with tons of chairs on either side of the altar. I wish my pictures had come out better, but I was too shy to ask them to turn the lights back on after Mass. There's a huge, deeply blue round window above the crucifix, and painted Stations of the Cross. The music area is off to the right, and includes a harp (!), which I will be sorely tempted to try if I'm ever in here by myself.

Friday, April 22, 2016

April Pilgrimage Day 7 - Thursday - Southwest Providence

I felt good enough yesterday that I decided to make today my day off. I'll finish on Saturday and Sunday.

Walking from my apartment - Blessed Sacrament

St. Adalbert

Our Lady of Lourdes

St. Bartholomew

St. Anthony

Holy Cross, then back home

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Church #119 - St. Augustin, Newport

I drove here this morning for the 7:30 Mass, the parish's sole weekday Mass. The church is large and impressive on the outside, and beautiful on the inside. The Mass was very well attended.

My favorite part of the interior is the huge, spectacular stained glass windows, which remind me of the ones at St. Mary in Bristol. The white Stations of the Cross are also unusually intricate. There are three murals above the altar, including a huge one of the Ascension in the middle.