Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Church #65 - St. Francis of Assisi, South Kingstown

This is a beautiful church. The current building is about 80 years old, but it feels newer than that, and it's clearly very well taken care of. There's tons of wood inside, and nice but small stained glass windows. There's something written on a wooden beam above the altar which I was never able to make out - if anyone knows what it is, I'd love to hear it.

There were at least 40 people here for a 7am Mass, many of whom were clearly on their way to work. The Mass started with the Angelus, a prayer that I strongly associate with my childhood for some reason. The priest's homily was about St. Claire, and I was here on the feast of St. Rufinus, neither of whom I'd heard of before. St. Claire founded the Poor Clares, a contemplative order, and was a companion of (fittingly enough) St. Francis of Assisi. Very little is known about St. Rufinus historically, but he was the first bishop of Assisi, and he's the patron Saint of the city.

St. Francis doing his thing

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