Thursday, August 20, 2015

Church #62 - Immaculate Conception, Cranston

I remember showing up here on my April walking pilgrimage as a funeral was getting out. This is where I decided to leave my car for the day as I made a big loop around Cranston. I had a great experience coming back this week for a morning Mass.

This is easily one of my favorite modern churches I've been in, for reasons that I can't really articulate. I like the color scheme a lot, which I'm sure is part of it. It also has (and I know this sounds ridiculous) the best cry room I've seen so far. They were doing something to the floor in thealtar area, so I wasn't able to roam around quite as much as I normally do.

The Mass was said in a separate chapel without a tabernacle. There were so many people at the Mass that we had to pack in, to the point that someone had to stand in the back. It goes without saying that this gave the Mass a different feel from a typical daily Mass, in a very positive way. The priest was excellent, and gave a great homily. I also enjoyed seeing the adult altar server wearing an alb.

The daily Mass chapel

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