Thursday, August 6, 2015

Church #55 - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Bristol

I came here for the second time with a friend on a beautiful Saturday a couple of weeks ago. I say "for the second time" because our first attempt was a failure - there's another church (St. Mary's) a block down the street which was locked, so we went home thinking that we'd gotten something wrong about the location or time. This time we actually got to the Mass, then got breakfast at a diner and walked around down by the water, basically the ultimate Saturday morning.

Divine Mercy devotion

Second tabernacle

It's hard to tell how big the parish is, but their church is awesome - it's dark but colorful, and there is a ton of great artwork all over the place, especially in the front. There was a good crowd for a Saturday morning Mass, and they began a Divine Mercy devotion immediately afterward. I normally try not to distract anyone by going to the front when there's prayer taking place, but in this case I had no choice - this church deserves a lot of pictures, and this was the only way I was able to get them. Sorry everyone.

Awesome artwork for a baptismal font

I never really thought about where the title "Our Lady of Mt. Carmel" would have come from, and never connected it to the Carmelite order, which I feel really dumb about now. There's a lot of interesting (and occasionally controversial) stories behind this devotion, and I'm glad that this church made me read about it.

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