Thursday, July 30, 2015

Church #50 - St. Barnabas, Portsmouth

There were about 40 people at the morning Mass here, which is impressive for a daily Mass. This parish seems very active, with lots of clubs, ministries and committees listed in the bulletin. There is adoration every Wednesday. The bulletin lists several festivals happening at other parishes nearby. There's also the obligatory "Everest" vacation Bible school happening later in August, since every vacation Bible school is required by canon law to be either Everest or "Weird Animals."

The inside of the church is T-shaped, with the music area to the right of the altar and pews on the other side. The church's interior is extremely colorful thanks to the glass windows. The pastor is an excellent preacher. This is my second straight church that's had a "prayer line" - how exactly does that work? Is there a group of people in the parish that receive the prayer intentions, or is it just for one person or the general Mass intentions?

Barnabas was a prominent early Christian - not one of the 12 Apostles, but included in several stories in Acts of the Apostles. He had the priviledge of being St. Paul's mentor and traveling companion, and he was firmly on his side when it came to including gentiles in the Church, though he was a Jew himself. Tradition has it that he was martyred in 61 AD, and the New Testament mentions that he was the cousin of Mark the Evangelist.

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