Saturday, July 4, 2015

Church #33 - St. Joseph, Scituate

I like the interior of this church a lot. It's T-shaped, and the combination of brick and wood looks awesome. The altar servers sit in a strange place compared to a typical church; the only seats for them are actually in front of the altar on either side, and they sit facing in the same direction as the congregation.

There's a huge crucifix with a Jesus made of wood. He's pretty big and muscular compared to a normal corpus, but still not on the level of the one at St. Patrick's. The Mass featured both a priest and a deacon, which is pretty rare for a daily Mass. It taught me that "awe" is the funniest word to hear from a lector with a Rhode Island accent.

I didn't notice from looking at it at first, but the balcony of the church has been glassed in and converted into a cry room, which is a very smart use of the space.

The church also has a spectacular collection of windows depicting different saints. I really wish I'd counted how many, but there are dozens. The saints in the windows are unusually happy looking, almost like something from a children's cartoon. I could learn a ton just from making the rounds of this sanctuary, learning what each saint is holding and why.

I had to give a special shoutout to my namesake saint on the left. 

I want this picture.

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