Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Church #31 - Holy Spirit, Central Falls

Sorry, John the Baptist, I have a new #2 favorite church. As soon as I saw the outside of Holy Spirit in April, I knew I really wanted to see what it was like on the inside, and I was not disappointed.

I went to Mass here on my birthday, a weekday. I was late for Mass because I had trouble finding it. I knew the main church would be closed, but there's a separate chapel that was also closed. This wouldn't be the first time I'd showed up at a church at an incorrect time, so I almost gave up. Eventually I discovered that there is also a little rectory chapel, where I disrupted the start of Mass by coming in late. In the process of walking around and figuring all this out, I also swallowed a bug. I don't want to get into details. At least it was a beautiful morning.

Love the little Stations of the Cross. Are they an actual requirement in any place with a tabernacle, or do churches just always have them by choice?

I came back on a weekend to take pictures, not as many or as high quality as I'd like because Mass was pretty close to starting. The interior of the church is huge, old, and ornate. The parish has Masses in multiple languages. The exterior is being redone and/or fixed, which hopefully means the church will be around for a long, long time. Highlights include tons of nice windows and a truly massive Stations of the Cross set (by the way, Stations of the Cross is supposed to be capitalized, right? I haven't been doing that so far).

There's an (apparently) broken clock in the back of the church. Why would they have put one here? Never seen that before. 

The balcony isn't being used at all, so even compared to normal I knew there was no way I was supposed to be up here, and I was genuinely scared of someone catching me. I also felt really awkward because there were a bunch of people in the church, and I had to use my camera's flash. I don't think anyone noticed. You also have to go into the organ through a door before getting onto the balcony itself, which freaked me out a little.

The inside of the organ.

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