Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Church #37 - St. Rocco, Johnston

This is a beautiful church, with a vibrant parish to go with it. The parish is very, very Italian, with a massive Italian festival every summer that they're already advertising for. I walked to Mass here a couple of weeks ago, but I had to come back for pictures because my camera was out of batteries. A highlight of the Mass was the lector/altar server, who had a wonderfully deep and powerful voice, like someone you'd hear on the radio.

As I said above, the interior of the church is awesome. The color gold is everywhere, much of it actual, 24 karat gold leaf. The columns are marble. There is a clock in the back of the church like at Holy Spirit in Central Falls (this one working), and I'd still love to know why they need to have one there. There's also a walk-up pulpit, which I think are awesome and which always make me jealous when I see them in other churches. I couldn't get into the balcony, which is too bad because it looks like a good one. The image of St. Rocco is everywhere in the church, and I definitely want to learn about him, but I will write about him on a different day because there's so much else to talk about with this church. Also, I'm tired and I want to go to bed soon.

The balcony

The statue in the middle is St. Rocco

The best thing about the church is the elaborately painted ceiling. I learned that the painting was done in a studio and installed on the ceiling after, so nobody had to be suspended from the ceiling Michelangelo-style to do it. The middle of the ceiling shows St. Rocco going up to heaven along with his trusty dog, so apparently dogs do go to heaven.

A stained glass window of, you guessed it, St. Rocco. More on him later. 

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