Monday, July 11, 2016

Church #140 - St. Andrew, Block Island

The Summer Church

I always intended to go here on a weekend, but that never worked schedule-wise. Luckily, I realized that I could make the daily Mass here if I left on the earliest ferry, so I did just that this morning. This parish has two distinct facilities - a normal church for the summer months, and a small space attached to the rectory and parish offices for the offseason.

The summer church is just a block down the street from the "downtown" area where the ferry docks. It's pretty small, and made almost entirely with wood. There's kind of a strange, abstract corpus on the cross. It has some large and unexpectedly nice stained glass windows captioned in French. Its entrance is a designated Holy Door for the Year of Mercy.

I would love to see how small (and presumably close-knit) the parish community is during the winter, and how many people show up for daily and weekend Masses. The parish center is about a 15 minute walk from the ferry, down a quiet and winding street with very spread-out houses and hotels, and overlooks the water. The "winter church" is a small room with a pleasant wood smell, and chairs instead of pews. The tabernacle stands empty, as the Eucharist has been moved to the summer church.

The Winter Church

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