Saturday, February 20, 2016

Church #107 - St. Anthony, Portsmouth

This definitely isn't a door, so I guess this is left over from a renovation?

This is a very interesting church (and no, that's not a backhanded compliment). There's a school next to it that I'm guessing used to be a parish school. The church building has a stone exterior, and you can see from the outside that it has lots of colorful stained glass windows. There are decorations everywhere in the entry area when you walk in, including a ton of real plants - I'm not sure if that's the pastor's doing, or if there are some parishioners that are particularly passionate about them.

The sanctuary area is similarly colorful, with statues and other decorations everywhere, including a huge crucifix off to one side. It forms a cross shape, and it has a fairly low ceiling. The lectern is big and wide, almost like a small fortress. We sung the psalm during the Mass I attended, which might be a first for me at a daily Mass. The pastor sang a couple of other parts of the Mass as well; apparently he's pretty fond of it.

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