Friday, February 12, 2016

Church #102 - St. Benedict, Warwick

I came here for the 9am Sunday Mass last week. The Mass featured an engaging priest and a fantastic cantor. The pastor talked a little bit about the Diocesan appeal that's starting up again for this year, and someone from the Rhode Island Blood Center also spoke. Apparently screening donated blood has just become much more expensive, so the Center is getting hit hard financially and they have to contract some of their operations.

The church is pretty modern, like almost all of the Warwick churches I can think of. It was built in the 70's and it shows. It's small, with carpet and a low ceiling. The tabernacle is off to the side. There are statues of angels on either side of the crucifix and tabernacle, and a couple of big paintings in the back. The most unusual thing is that the church has almost no windows, with the small exception of some yellow/orange stained glass at the back.

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