Saturday, March 26, 2016

Church #112 - St. Rita, Warwick

Happy Triduum! I visited this church for its 3:00 service yesterday, on an appropriately gloomy and rainy Good Friday. I realize that doesn't technically count as a Mass, but it's definitely enough to count for the purposes of this pilgrimage. The church is in the Oakland Beach section of Warwick; you can sort of hear how close you are to the water, and there are seagulls flying around. A lot of parishioners were there early for the service, and there was a full complement of five altar servers. The priest's homily was brief, excellent, and easy to follow. The service included the Church's Good Friday Solemn Intercessions, which the parish I grew up in never did, and which I had never heard of until a few years ago.

It's too bad that I didn't get to see the church in its normal state, with the statues uncovered. It's a little on the small side, with a very simple and straightforward layout. My favorite detail is "Ecce Agnus Dei" (behold the lamb of God) written in large letters above the tabernacle. The cry room is glassed off to one side of the sanctuary area, so the people inside are only feet away from the altar. A bunch of white flowers were already inside, ready to go to for today's Easter decorating.

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