Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Church #110 - Immaculate Conception, Westerly

When I showed up here last Monday evening I expected a quick, normal 20-30 minute daily Mass. I found a parish mission going on with a full-blown hourlong Mass instead, including Confession. There have been several Mondays when I've meant to come here but haven't, and this is the one where I actually did. I have to admit that I found it extremely hard to be patient at first, since it's such a long drive and it was a school night, but right around the psalm I was able to settle down and be receptive to what God wanted to say to me.

Cliched as it is to say, I think I was meant to be here on this night, and it was a wonderful Mass. The mission was well attended by parishioners of all ages. It was given by a couple of priests from the Franciscans of Primitive Observance in Roxbury (http://religiouslife.com/profile-view?id=1406). I've met these guys on a couple of occasions, and they are awesome. The preaching was excellent, and there was some beautiful chant by the parish musicians. The parish mission took place Monday through Wednesday and included two Masses a day as well as extra talks and prayers during the day.

Immaculate Conception's church is modern and fairly small, surprisingly so for what seems to be a large parish. The altar area is absolutely beautiful, gold-colored and full of paintings and statues. The cry room is right off to the side of the altar, giving the people inside a front row seat to everything that's happening. I wish I'd remembered to get a picture of the view from in there.

There are clearly a lot of good things happening at this church, as shown by the turnout for the mission and the amount of activities the parish has going on. They have a perpetual adoration chapel and two (!) daily Masses. I know there's also a young adult group down here, though I've never been. Someone mentioned that a bunch of parishioners made a Total Consecration to Mary together in December.

The adoration chapel

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