Thursday, March 17, 2016

Church #111 - St. Sebastian, Providence

This parish has been doing weekday evening Masses during Lent, so I got to walk here for one a couple of weeks ago. There were a bunch of little kids playing outside as I got there, since the weather was wonderful and their Religious Ed classes had just gotten out. I remember this church from my April walks last year. It was actually unlocked in the middle of a weekday, so I got the place to myself for a little while, including a visit to the balcony.

The sanctuary area has a standard layout, and it is very clean and well cared for, which fits the parish's location in such a nice part of the city. The stained glass windows on the left side show some of the Apostles. The daily Mass area is off to the other side, which the pastor calls the "Christmas Chapel", since the stained glass shows scenes from the Christmas story. The most unusual thing about the place is the music area, which is in an enclosed space directly behind the altar.

We had a rare false start to the Mass, since the candles weren't lit as the priest processed out. It also featured one of my favorite daily Mass traditions, where most people (including myself) can't quite remember the Responsorial Psalm's refrain, and try to muddle through it as best they can. The priest was extremely friendly and gave a great, thoughtful homily about the daily readings. There were Adoration and Stations of the Cross after Mass, which I unfortunately didn't have time to stay for.


  1. So, will you get to hit seven churches for Holy Thursday? ;)
    BMP (organist at one you already visited)

  2. Yes! My parish rented a bus and went around visiting parishes in Providence. Already looking forward to doing it again next year.
