Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Church #93 - Holy Family, Woonsocket

There's a nice, intimate daily Mass here every morning in a side chapel. I liked the priest a lot - he was smart and engaging, and seemed very close with his parishioners. The Mass begins with Morning Prayer and ends with the Office of Readings, which I had never done before. They played the "Ave Maria" song during and after communion as something to reflect and pray on; I winced a little bit when I saw the boom box, but thankfully they picked something that was appropriate and non-cheesy.

The daily Mass chapel

The main church is my favorite type - big, beautiful and old school. I didn't get to spend a lot of time in it because I didn't want to keep people waiting if they were trying to lock up. There's a big statue of Jesus behind the tabernacle, and some nice stained glass windows above the altar area. It's been lovingly decorated for Christmas, including multiple manger scenes, which is fitting for a parish called Holy Family.

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