Monday, December 14, 2015

Church #91 - St. Mary, Cranston

I was very impressed by what I saw from this parish. I came here a couple of weeks ago with a friend for a well-attended Saturday morning Mass. I don't have pictures of it, but the lower church here is definitely the biggest one I've seen. I came back to take pictures of the main church on a Saturday evening, and even half an hour before Mass there were already so many people there that I felt awkward going around and taking pictures. I almost left to come back at a different time when the church was emptier. The parish has an attached K-8 school, and there's an absolutely massive Catholic cemetery next door. They also have an unusually high 5 Masses a weekend, including two on Saturday, which I don't think I've ever seen before.

The church itself is a great balance of old and new - it's beautiful in the way of the older church, but it's clearly well taken care of, and everything feels bright and polished. The highlight of the church is the area behind the altar - there's a ring of beautiful statues and an awesome mural. The balcony has a wonderful rose window which I unfortunately didn't try to get a closer look at. There are more paintings on the ceiling, and lots of other large statues and decorations scattered around.

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