Monday, January 18, 2016

Church #99 - St. Madeleine Sophie, Tiverton

This is a relatively small parish in Tiverton, with only a pair of weekend Masses. It has a long and thin sanctuary area, with a pleasant interior smell of wood. There's a painting of John Paul II on the balcony in the back. I came here for the 9am Sunday Mass. As I've found typical in smaller parishes, the congregation was very friendly and largely seemed to all know each other.

St. Madeleine Sophie was a French saint who grew up during the French Revolution. Because of that Revolution she was unable to become a Carmelite the way she wished, since they and other religious orders were abolished in the country. Instead, she secretly founded a new order devoted to education called the Society of the Sacred Heart. The order currently has 2600 religious in 41 countries around the world.

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