Thursday, January 14, 2016

Church #98 - St. Alexander, Warren

St. Alexander is the third and final church I've been to in Warren. Three of Warren's four church buildings are within about five minutes of each other on the same main street, including this one. There are a ton of St. Alexanders, and I can't tell which one this church is dedicated to. The church only has one Mass per week, on Sunday morning. The priest who says the Mass works at the Diocese: he's the "Defender of the Bond, Providence Tribunal," according to the bulletin. Before his homily, he prayed that it would be "humbly preached and humbly listened to."

The interior of the church is white, with big stained glass windows and a rose window above the altar. The tabernacle is off to the side. There's a painting of the Assumption on the ceiling which I forgot to get a good picture of. I went here on the Feast of the Epiphany, so the Mass concluded with the congregation collecting their blessed chalk and (I don't remember seeing this before) incense.

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