Thursday, January 7, 2016

Church #96 - St. Brendan, East Providence

I went to Mass here in Riverside on Saturday morning. I'm pretty sure it was the best attended daily Mass I've been to so far, even including a couple of families with kids. The church is a semicircle that slopes down toward the altar. Nine tall stained glass windows behind the altar form a single image, which looks particularly cool when the church's lights are off. There are a ton of Christmas trees on the altar for the season, including a couple of enormous ones. The parish has a St. Vincent de Paul group and a pair of intercessory prayer lines - I wonder who operates those lines, and if they're just for this parish or if it's shared by other churches.

St. Brendan is one of the earliest Irish saints. He is considered one of the twelve apostles of Ireland, founding many monasteries in and around the island. He is chiefly known for a legendary journey to the Isle of the Blessed, searching for the Garden of Eden, that's told in the old Irish story Voyage of St Brendan the Navigator. There's a large stained glass window in the back of the church that shows  him (or at least I assume it's him) administering the Eucharist to some men on a ship.

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