Sunday, May 31, 2015

Church #7 - St. Jude, Lincoln


I've been to Mass here a bunch of times, since it's where my parents go. The church's layout is very different from the typical style - it's basically a semicircle, with the altar area in the middle and the pews surrounding it. While I don't think this is a bad thing or anything, I definitely like the older, pre-Vatican II style of church better.

This church is mostly notable for its music - it has the largest choir I've seen in any parish so far, and a bell choir, which is very cool and which I also haven't seen anywhere else on a consistent basis. There's a guy in the bell choir who plays a huge drum (no idea what it's called), which I desperately want to play at some point because it looks really fun. This church is also where I first discovered the joys of listening to a lector with a Rhode Island accent.

On the right you can see the table the bell choir stands around. Sadly, no huge drum yet.
The ceiling of the church. One of my students calls this "the onion church", since that's kind of what it looks like from the outside. 

On a closing note, a couple of facts about St. Jude: he was an apostle, who also went by the name Thaddeus. He was martyred after going out and preaching in different places after Pentecost. Also, according to his Wikipedia page, he might have been a vegetarian? Who knows if this was true or not, but how many vegetarians were there in the ancient world?

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