Sunday, February 21, 2016

Church #108 - St. Kevin, Warwick

I came to Mass here yesterday for a Lenten breakfast and talk given by Fr. Michael Colello of Our Lady of Victory in Hopkinton. This parish has a lot going on, with a parish school and lots of different groups and social events. The parish's pastor, Fr. Marciano, is a colonel in the air force, and has served as a chaplain in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The church itself is one of the nicer modern churches I've seen. The pews in the church form an extremely wide semicircle, and there's a ton of space in the altar area. This shape made communion sort of chaotic, as people had to make their way from all over the place to get to the middle aisle to receive. I somehow neglected to take a picture of the altar area from the back, so I don't think these pictures give a good sense of what the church really looks like. I'm told that the church has been renovated recently, including a new crucifix behind the altar, and some of the more 70s style stuff was purged.

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